Car Repair in Omdurman

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Pluming Electrical Installations Car Repair Electrical Appliance Maintenance Blacksmithing and Metalwork Carpentry Office Equipment Maintenance Interior Design and Decoration Landscaping Computer and Networking Services Contracting and Construction Swimming Pools and Jacuzzis Air Conditioning Maintenance Satellite Installation and Services Labor Work Furniture Assembly Mobile Repair Painting Security Camera
East Nile El Obeid Khartoum Omdurman Port Sudan Wad Madani
ام درمان الشعبي
Car Repair
Since 3 years

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله سمبوي لجميع انواع التيربو جديد----------سكن -----تشليع ---------اصلاح الموقع ام درمان ---------السوق الشعبي -----------المصنعية علينا نحنا ابشر يا الغالي ت----0994619545

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