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- تصدير منتجات زراعية بجودة عالية
تصدير منتجات زراعية بجودة عالية
نشر بتاريخ 2018-12-10 6:55 AM
Kintra For Advanced Business Ltd, offers exporting high quality of agricultural products such as Sesame and peanuts and so on, with competitive prices that gained us trustful clients / partners from around the world. Our products: Gum Arabic, Gum Talha, Oliban, Senna Pods, Sesame, Hibiscus, Baobab, Watermelon seeds, Hashab Kordofan, Kakamout. Other: Meats, leather. Please check our products @kintrasudan.com and we will be glad to show you some samples pictures of any products.